LocalFocus Meta API

Get titles, descriptions, and sources of charts and maps

Version 1.0


Do you want to get meta data (e.g. titles, descriptions and sources) of LocalFocus charts and maps? This is the place to start!

The LocalFocus Meta API uses HTTP requests. The results are JSON objects. To use this API, you need an API key. Please request one here. We encourage you to cache generated results, to reduce API calls.


Get the meta data of this chart that was created with go.localfocus.nl

curl 'https://go.localfocus.nl/services/meta/?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&code=601c133f47d70'


{"title":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet","description":"Quisque placerat felis quis elementum varius. Nunc dictum ante quis mattis consequat.","source":"Ut egestas mauris","sourcelink":null}

In depth


Depending on the LocalFocus platform your editors use:




Required GET parameters

api_key string A valid API key that was given to you by LocalFocus
code string Hyperlinks to charts and maps end with this code, and matches /[a-f0-9]{13}$/.
Example: the code of this chart (https://localfocuswidgets.net/601c133f47d70) is 601c133f47d70


A JSON object with the following properties:
title string or null The title, or null if not set
description string or null The description, or null if not set
source string or null The source of the data, or null if not set
sourcelink string or null The hyperlink to the source of the data, or null if not set